Britt Davis Artist

Meaningful Art and curated timeless interiors that celebrate your story.

  • Shenandoah Valley Artist


    Purchase a recent piece or request a commission.

  • Britt Davis Artist


    Purchase local pork and organic honey from the Davis family farm.

  • Interior Designer Charlottesville


    Work with Britt for home decor and party design.

  • Retreat Host Charlottesville


    Take a deep breath at Tonic & Bloom, a retreat for women.

Praise for Britt’s Work

  • Crozet Artist

    Commission Britt

    Have you been searching for the perfect painting for your home but just can’t find it? Work with Britt to make your vision come to life.

Charlottesville Artist

Meet the Artist

Britt Davis has a heart for connection, a love for dance parties, and an obsession with color and all things home.

“Success, in my business, is when someone, having gone through a dark season, looks at my painting and is reminded of a time they reached for the sunlight and asked for help.”

— Britt Davis

Central Virginia Artist